Work Package 1: Project Coordination, ethics and data management
- Overall management, administration and coordination of the project, the Consortium and the project´ meetings, as well as promotion of gender equality in the project;
- Management and communication with Consortium bodies;
- Coordination and monitoring of work packages, deliverables, internal and periodic reports and milestones, as well as financial management;
- Communication between project partners and the European Commission;
- Surveillance of potential ethical issues.
Partners: ICAMCYL, IP Control.
Work Package 2: C-SINK CDR Solutions comprehensive analysis and characterization
- Define the terminology, parameters and key performance indicators to compare different CDR technologies, creating a comparison framework;
- Define values for all the parameters and KPIs defined on the framework for each CDR approach, with their uncertainties determined by best available technologies, industrial best practices and data from real case studies;
- Provide a full characterization of each CDR system and their risks in order to ease the identification of critical parameters for MRV development in Work Package 3 (WP3);
- Identify the barriers and challenges faced by each CDR approach deployment including regulatory social aspects that will be subject to further discussion in WP4 and WP5 respectively.
Partners: University of Edinburgh, ICAMCYL, CSIC, KU Leuven, Ekolive, Global Factor, University of Oviedo, Iberian Sustainable Mining Cluster.
Work Package 3: Methodologies for monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) of CO2 removal technologies
- Analysis of the current MRV schemes under compliance and voluntary markets identifying weakness, best practices and market needs;
- Explore and develop precise, low-cost measurement tools, models, and methodologies to monitor effective carbon removal, targeting the most tractable sources of uncertainty;
- Development of new MRV pre-standards adapted to seven CDR approaches in the scope of C-SINK;
- Test the proposed MRV standards against case studies testing their robustness and reliability.
Partners: MEM, Global Factor, Biosteam AB.
Work Package 4: Legal framework, regulatory barriers, policy roadmap recommendations
- Comprehensive regulatory and legal mapping of CDR in the EU;
- Engage with CDR stakeholders technology providers, demonstrators, financial sector, regulators, etc.;
- Provide coherent proposals for a scaled European CDR industry/sector.
Partners: University of Edinburgh, Middle East Technical University, CESERE.
Work Package 5: Social, Environmental and total economic value assessment
- In-depth understanding of how the CDR technologies would impact on citizens and local communities;
- Assess the total economic value of the different CDR technologies in at least 7 case study locations;
- Improve our understanding of the environmental impact of the different CDR technologies and the potential environmental risks and ripple effects in at least seven case study locations and compare harmonized LCA results;
- Integrative assessment of the different CDR technologies from a social, environmental and economic perspective, allowing to understand the potential for the uptake of the different technologies.
Partners: Stockholm Environment Institute, MNLT Innovations, Middle East Technical University.
Work Package 6: Dissemination, exploitation and communication of project results and deliverables
- Ensure results are disseminated and communicated in a timely and consistent manner;
- Enable and facilitate networking (and clustering), setting up various communication channels to make sure that the Consortium maximizes the outreach to the targeted actors both at national and international level in customized ways;
- Ensure the exploitation of project results during and after the project;
- Develop a multidisciplinary strategic network/ecosystem( the CO2 Removal Helix) of at least 150 stakeholders aligned to C-SINK aims by Month 48 of the project;
- Ensure that project results comply with the Open Science policy.
Partners: Climate Strategies, Crowd Helix, ICAMCYL, MNLT Innovations.