Seminar: Role of Economics in Shaping Climate and Energy Futures​

Presenter: Navraj Ghaleigh, Senior Lecturer in Climate Law at University of Edinburgh

Discussant: Zohre Kurt, Associate Professor

The Carbon Take Back Obligation (CTBO) is a policy idea that has been developed in response to the collective failure to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions adequately, necessitating large scale removals and projects such as C-SINK. The current stored fraction of global emissions is about 0.1% but must reach 100% by mid-century to stop these emissions from causing further global warming (see Jenkins 2021).

By obliging fossil carbon producers and importers to store an ever greater fraction of emissions, the CTBO aims to drive investment and regulation towards removals in a way that carbon pricing to date has not. Until now, CTBO thinking has been driven by a small group of physicists and geologists. This presentation aims to unpack the role of other disciplines, particularly in the social sciences and especially law, in making the CTBO a realistic proposition and real life legal obligation.

More details to follow…

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