C-SINK in the news: La Nueva Crónica

Last week, C-SINK featured in Spanish newspaper, La Nueva Crónica. The article outlines C-SINK’s primary objectives and summarises each technology focused on within the project. Read a snippet below and click the links to access the full article.

On 23rd November, the Earth’s temperature reached a historic milestone by exceeding 2°C above pre-industrial levels, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Monitoring Service. This worrying increase underscores the urgency of implementing effective measures to combat global warming. In response to this growing threat, an international coalition has launched the Carbon Management Initiative, with the ambitious goal of collectively storing 1.2 gigatonnes of CO2 by 2030. This global effort brings together the European Union, China, the United States, Canada and Brazil, backed by the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Energy Agency.

Within this context, C-SINK arises, “Actions necessary to ensure the large-scale deployment of the main approaches for carbon dioxide removal to meet the climate objectives of the European Union”, a project funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe programme which, coordinated by the ICAMCYL Foundation, seeks to coordinate efforts to find the most efficient technologies to eliminate atmospheric CO2 at scale. The idea of the project is synergistic with Europe’s new efforts to create resilient industrial innovation ecosystems that tend towards an effective “zero emissions” policy, as the technologist and general director of the ICAMCYL Foundation, Santiago Cuesta López, has recently presented in the EU’s strategic plans. The objective of the team of technologists working at ICAMCYL is to coordinate institutions and companies throughout the European territory, so that they innovate and implement in our territory the main absorption technologies generating effective carbon sinks that try to keep this increase in global temperature below 2°C. With a budget of €5.3 million and a duration of 48 months, the project evaluates seven highly innovative carbon dioxide removal technologies.

Read the full article here (Esp)

Online article (with translation option available*) here

*Depending on your choice of web browser.

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